When Ryan and his wife Kathleen were expecting their third child, Ryan would wake up, pour his 4-year-old
son, and 3-year-old daughter a glass of milk, and watch YouTube kids’ videos with them.
As most kids do, they LOVED watching shows about toys. In one popular toy show, it almost seemed the
family was promoting this waste. A kid would open a treasure chest made of plastic, wrapped in plastic,
with an egg carton of plastic sitting on top. Underneath the toy was more plastic, with 20 little parts
wrapped in plastic.
“This is insane!” Ryan thought.
Ryan wasn’t a hardcore environmentalist by any stretch, but he cared about the world and his kids’
He thought “There’s got to be something we can do! This plastic is just about convenience, but what if
there’s a way to make sustainable packaging convenient?”
Ryan called up his good friend Brad, a serial entrepreneur. Recently Brad told him about an
extended-family member with a patent on laundry detergent that was supposed to be eco-friendly, but Brad
didn’t really “get it.”
Brad had grown up in an eco-conscious household, but couldn’t understand how an entire jug of laundry
detergent fit in packaging the size of an iPhone.
But when Ryan called him up he decided to actually TRY the product for himself instead of dismissing it.
Brad, Ryan, and Ryan’s childhood friend Kevin each tried the laundry strips.
All three of them concluded the same thing. This stuff actually works!
That’s when we decided to become a team, but first, we wanted to test our idea to see if anyone else loved
the laundry strips as much as we did.
Kevin set up a small webpage, Ryan wrote about his experience with the product on that page, and we put it
out to market.
We determined that 150 subscription orders in the first 30 days would be enough to take this seriously and
invest our resources into growing a company.
At the end of 30 days, we had 1,500 new subscribers.
It became clear that just like each of us, many people want to make better consumer choices to help the
environment, but simply don’t know how to.
Many also feel skeptical about environmental products but would buy them if they actually work.
Because of these two desires from the people, our company was born. Within 12 months we served 60,000
people in 40 countries... and the planet!